How to make your wrap-up profitable

A wrap-up can be a profitable way to run a project. It may seem that a wrap-up is completely positive, however it can be viewed differently depending on which entity you ask. A contractor hired for the project may feel that they do not have any risk on the job and mistakenly think that all risk is on the project owner. To counteract this thinking, here’s three tips to make your wrap-up profitable by involving contractors in the site’s risk and safety program.

Ensure all parties understand their risk

From the start of the job, it is important to communicate to contractors that they are part of the risk management of the project. From the initial onboarding that includes review of applicable safety programs, receipt of certificates of insurance, worker training, and more – messaging should be clear that all parties on the project are integral to the project’s success or failure. Introducing a site observation app like Haz-Trac at the beginning of a project sets the standard that hazard identification and correction, and identification of positive observations and safe behaviors are important to site management.

Instill ownership of the project in all onsite parties

Throughout the project, reinforce the safety and risk messaging that was clear at the beginning of the project. Often, the beginning of the project is the time when awareness is heightened for risk and safety. The middle of the project will have the most site activity, highest counts of workers, and most opportunity for risk. This is often when messaging about ownership, risk, and safety trails off. Instead, have a plan to reinforce site policies and expectations at this time to ensure a successful project.

During routine site inspections, continue to identify unsafe acts and conditions as well as reinforce positive behavior. An app like Haz-Trac allows all personnel on a site to make these observations in real time. A focus on positive observations can have an impact on unsafe acts and conditions by reinforcing the proactive safety behavior that is desirable.

Empower onsite crews for performance

As safety performance is tracked on a daily basis through the use of an app like Haz-Trac, crews can see improvement in real time. This is an empowering concept! With site management tracking the same observations, decisions can be made at higher levels to increase training or consider other safety controls like improved work practices (including scheduling), and specialized PPE. The response of site management to identified concerns further empowers workers and encourages them to continue using the Haz-Trac app, which continues the positive cycle of quick identification of hazards, immediate response, and minimized incidents and injuries.

Get a quote to run the Haz-Trac program at your jobsite.