Safety Training

This step recognizes that safe behavior requires agility. There will always be new job site circumstances that affect safety behavior. The Cultural Based Safety™ process will target specific workforce behavioral factors that cause incident/injury.

HRS will complete an analysis of Lend Lease related claims experience to identify common behavioral causation factors. Majority of incidents are typically a result of worker complacency. HRS training will aggressively target situational awareness for each trade.
Specific behaviors identified from your claims data will be targeted. Targeting high impact safe behaviors
(continually) will allow for fluency in job site hazard identification/corrective action to reduce incidents going forward.
This process will require accountability to achieve sustainable safe job site behavior. Management accountability to enforce safe behavior rules combined with workforce accountability to identify hazards for corrective action with Haz-Trac tools are critical elements to reduce incidents and their associated costs.
Accountability to safe working behavior will begin to build an effective safety culture.  Safety culture drives sustainable job site safety behavior improvement. Continual behavior improvement reduces incident frequency and lowers claim costs.
Cultural Based Safety™ training will target critical behaviors as top priority for incident/cost reduction.  HRS will establish a priority list of common behavioral factors for utilization in weekly ‘training brief’ sessions and monthly quality control audits.
This step will include ‘lessons learned’ snapshot training from current/on-going incidents on a real-time basis. Cultural Based Safety™ will enhance your current commitment to safe job site conditions. HRS will work seamlessly with you to drive incident/cost reductions through a coordinated behavioral safety training effort.