Paperwork obligations have become the enemy of effective job site safety performance. Haz-Trac is designed for efficiency in identifying and correcting hazards to improve incident and cost reductions. Using the app, workforce members can easily report and avoid hazards. This user friendly mobile app lets users take photos and report locations/descriptions of job site hazards like unprotected floor openings, conduit in walkways, etc.
Haz-Trac Utilization
HRS will promptly administer corrective action request (to your workforce labor staff) through the online Haz-Trac dashboard, and report action taken back to workforce foreman. HRS will capture weekly activity data of all users and report monthly/quarterly summary results to your designated management members.
Summary reporting will be provided to each trade foreman for reinforcement of client management commitment to improve safety behavior. HRS will aggregate weekly Haz-Trac activity data through our dashboard and provide monthly summary results to your management team.
HRS will administer a summary report for your management team to report on-going Haz-Trac activity results to workforce as an additional reinforcement tool to enhance workforce engagement and job site safety behavior accountability.
At the end of each quarter, HRS will recommend a quarterly ‘safety leader’ from Haz-Trac data to be recognized for further reinforcement of safe behavior improvement. This step is designed for workers to avoid hazards and to deliver reinforcement reporting data, which drives improvement in workforce engagement for ongoing safe job site working behavior, resulting in lower claim costs.